(Fabrice Neyret)

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Enriched display 1998-2009 (local base @evasion)
Enriched display 2008- (local base @artis)
PhD Thesis and Thesis reports of my students.
Misc other presentations (not related to a paper).
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My list of publications

NB: no longer updated since 2011. -> see HAL link above.
What is not listed below: students PhD and Master thesis, RR corresponding to accepted papers, science popularization and educational science.

Lagrangian Texture Advection: Preserving both Spectrum and Velocity Field
Qizhi Yu, Fabrice Neyret, Eric Bruneton, and Nicolas Holzschuch IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010
Efficient Rendering of Highly Detailed Volumetric Scenes with GigaVoxels
Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Miguel Sainz, Elmar Eisemann Chapter in book GPU Pro, 2010
Real-time Realistic Ocean Lighting using Seamless Transitions from Geometry to BRDF
Eric Bruneton, Fabrice Neyret, Nicolas Holzschuch Eurographics 2010 (CGF 29(2)), 2010
GigaVoxels : Ray-Guided Streaming for Efficient and Detailed Voxel Rendering
Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Sylvain Lefebvre, Elmar Eisemann ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D'09), feb 2009
Scalable Real-Time Animation of Rivers
Qizhi Yu, Fabrice Neyret, Eric Bruneton, Nicolas Holzschuch Eurographics 2009 (CGF) , march 2009
Volumetric Billboards
Philippe Decaudin, Fabrice Neyret Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) , 2009
RR: Spectrum-Preserving Texture Advection for Animated Fluids Qizhi Yu, Fabrice Neyret, Eric Bruneton, Nicolas Holzschuch RR-6810 INRIA, jan 2009
RR: Featured-Based Vector Simulation of Water Waves Qizhi Yu, Nathalie Praizelin, Frank Rochet, Fabrice Neyret RR-6855 INRIA, feb 2009
MobiNet : pratiquer les Maths et la Physique par la simulation interactive Fabrice Neyret Bulletin Vert de l'APMEP - jan-feb 2009
Presented at APMEP'08 + articles Math�matTICE and EducMath
Real-time rendering and editing of vector-based terrains
Eric Bruneton, Fabrice Neyret Eurographics 2008 (CGF) , april 2008
Interactive multiple anisotropic scattering in clouds
Antoine Bouthors, Fabrice Neyret, Nelson Max, Eric Bruneton, Cyril Crassin ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D'08), february 2008
RR: Interactive GigaVoxels Cyril Crassin, Fabrice Neyret, Sylvain Lefebvre RR-???? INRIA, jun 2008
Rendu interactif de nuages r�alistes
Antoine Bouthors, Fabrice Neyret, Nelson Max, Eric Bruneton, Cyril Crassin AFIG 2007 , november 2007
RR: Real-time subsurface scattering on the GPU
Antoine Bouthors, Eric Bruneton, Fabrice Neyret, Nelson Max INRIA, 2007
Video Watercolorization using Bidirectional Texture Advection
Adrien Bousseau, Fabrice Neyret, Jo�lle Thollot, David Salesin SIGGRAPH 2007 (ACM-TOG) , august 2007
Informatique graphique et rendu (Trait� IC2): chap 8, "repr�sentations alternatives"
Alexandre Meyer, Philippe Decaudin, Fabrice Neyret Hermes Sciences Publications, march 2007
Cr�er, Simuler, Explorer des Univers Naturels sur Ordinateur
Fabrice Neyret AFIG'06, invited paper, November 2006
A Controllable, Fast and Stable Basis for Vortex Based Smoke Simulation
Alexis Angelidis, Fabrice Neyret, Karan Singh, Derek Nowrouzezahrai ACM-SIGGRAPH / EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation and Simulation (SCA'06), September 2006
Real-time realistic illumination and shading of stratiform clouds
Antoine Bouthors, Fabrice Neyret, Sylvain Lefebvre Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, September 2006
Semi-interactive morphogenesis
Jean Combaz, Fabrice Neyret Shape Modeling International, June 2006
Computer-assisted Teaching in Class Situation: a High-school Math Lab on Vectors Vector
Maud Marchal, Peggy Provent, Frederic Ruyer, Pirouz Djoharian, Fabrice Neyret Edutainment, April 2006
Le trait� de la r�alit� virtuelle. Volume 3: outils et modeles informatiques des environnements naturels
Marie-Paule Cani, Fabrice Neyret, Marc Parenthoen, Jacques Tisseau Mines Paris, 2006
Point-based rendering of trees
Guillaume Gilet, Alexandre Meyer and Fabrice Neyret. Eurographics Workshop on Natural Phenomena, August 2005
Simulation of Smoke based on Vortex Filament Primitives
Alexis Angelidis and Fabrice Neyret. ACM-SIGGRAPH / EUROGRAPHICS Symposium on Computer Animation and Simulation (SCA'05), July 2005
Octree Textures on the GPU
Sylvain Lefebvre, Samuel Hornus, and Fabrice Neyret. Chapter of the book: GPU Gems 2: Programming Techniques for High-Performance Graphics and General-Purpose Computation (Addison Wesley Professional), March 2005
Texture Sprites: Texture elements splatted on surfaces
Sylvain Lefebvre, Samuel Hornus and Fabrice Neyret. ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics (I3D'05), April 2005
RR: Unified Texture Management for Arbitrary Meshes
Sylvain Lefebvre, J�rome Darbon and Fabrice Neyret. RR-5210 INRIA, mai 2004
RR: All-Purpose Texture Sprites
Sylvain Lefebvre, Samuel Hornus and Fabrice Neyret. RR-5209 INRIA, May 2004
poster: GPU-Based Lighting and Shadowing of Complex Natural Scenes
Florent Cohen, Philippe Decaudin, Fabrice Neyret. Siggraph'04 Poster (Conf. DVD-ROM), august 2004
RR(+ poster SCA): Semi-interactive morphogenesis
Jean Combaz, Fabrice Neyret. RR-5302 INRIA, september 2004.
Modeling Cloud Shapes
A. Bouthors, F. Neyret Eurographics '04 (short papers), Grenoble, August 2004.
Packing Square Tiles into One Texture Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret
Eurographics '04 (short papers), Grenoble, August 2004.
MobiNet: a pedagogic platform for Computer Science, Maths and Physics
(How to make students love Maths by programming video games)

S. Lefebvre, F. Neyret, S. Hornus,J. Thollot Eurographics'04 (education), Grenoble, August 2004.
Rendering Forest Scenes in Real-Time
Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Norrk�ping, June 2004.
Advected Textures
F. Neyret Symposium on Computer Animation'03. San Diego, july 2003.
Coul�es de boue et avalanches virtuelles : un outil visuel de communication et de caract�risation pour les risques naturels en montagne
D. Laigle, M. Naaim, P. Saramito, F. Neyret, M-P. Cani "Risques naturels et am�nagement du territoire" (Natural Risks and Area Management) Special Issue of "Ing�nieries Eau Agriculture Territoires", 2003, Cemagref editions (no referees)
Pattern Based Procedural Textures
S. Lefebvre, F. Neyret. Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics'03 (I3D). Monterey, april 2003.
Painting Folds using Expansion Textures
J. Combaz, F. Neyret. Pacific Graphics'02. Beijing, October 2002.
Textures de dilatation pour la generation de plis
Jean Combaz, Fabrice Neyret, XVeme journees AFIG december 2002.
Interactive Animation of Ocean Waves
D. Hinsinger, F. Neyret, M-P. Cani. Symposium on Computer Animation'02. San Antonio, July 2002.
Synthesizing Bark
S. Lefebvre, F. Neyret. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering'02. Pisa, June 2002.
Repr�sentation des Mat�riaux
F. Neyret. Chapter of the book Synth�ses d'images g�ographiques in serie Information G�ographique et Am�nagement du territoire (Herm�s) 2002.
Complexit� Naturelle et Synth�se d'Images
F. Neyret, Habilitation � Diriger des Recherches (HDR), UJF, October 2001.
Realistic Rendering of an Organ Surface in Real-Time for Laparoscopic Surgery Simulation
F. Neyret,Rapha�l Heiss,Franck S�n�gas. The Visual Computer. 2002 (submitted July 2000, accepted Jan 2001).
Phenomenological Simulation of Brooks
F. Neyret,N.Praizelin. Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation. Manchester, September 2001.
Interactive Rendering of Trees with Shading and Shadows
Alexandre Meyer,Fabrice Neyret,Pierre Poulin. Eurographics Workshop on Rendering'01. London, June 2001.
Flow Noise
K. Perlin, F. Neyret. Siggraph'01 TechnicalSketches and Applications. Los Angeles, Aug 2001.
Simulation visuelle de croissance d'ecorces
Sylvain Lefebvre, Fabrice Neyret, AFIG'01 (Actes des 14emes journees de l'AFIG) november 2001
Multiscale Shaders for the Efficient Realistic Rendering of Pine-Trees
A. Meyer, F. Neyret, Graphics Interface'00. Montreal, Canada, May 2000.
RR: Phenomenological Shader for the Rendering of Cumulus Clouds
F.Neyret, RR-3947 INRIA, may 2000.
Pattern-Based Texturing Revisited
F. Neyret, M.P. Cani, Siggraph'99. Los Angeles, USA, August 1999.
Animating Lava Flows
D. Stora, P.O. Agliati, M.P. Cani, F. Neyret, J.D. Gascuel. Graphics Interface'99. Kingston, Canada, June 1999.
Real-time Collision Detection for Virtual Surgery
J.C. Lombardo, M.P. Cani, F. Neyret, Computer Animation'99. Geneva, May 1999.
TR: Perlin Textures in Real Time Using OpenGL
A.Mine,F.Neyret, RR-3713 INRIA.
Interactive Volumetric Textures
A. Meyer, F. Neyret, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering'98. Vienna, Austria, June 1998.
Textures volumiques interactives
Alexandre Meyer, Fabrice Neyret, AFIG'98 december 1998
Modeling Animating and Rendering Complex Scenes using Volumetric Textures
F. Neyret, IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics Vol 4(1) Jan-Mar 1998.
Qualitative Simulation of Cloud Formation and Evolution
F. Neyret, Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation. Budapest, Hungary, September 1997.
Textures Volumiques pour la Synthese d'Images
F. Neyret, PhD in Computer Sciences of Universit� de Paris XI Orsay, June 1996.
Synthesizing Verdant Landscape Using Volumetric Textures
F. Neyret, Eurographics Workshop on Rendering'96. Porto, Portugal, June 1996.
(and TR-2846 INRIA).
TR: Trimmed Textures
F. Neyret, RR-2857 INRIA.
TR: Local Illumination in Deformed Space
F. Neyret, RR-2856 INRIA.
R�alit� Enrichie par Synth�se
Pierre Janc�ne, Fabrice Neyret, Xavier Provot, Jean-Philippe Tarel,
Jean-Marc V�zien, Christophe Meilhac, Anne Verroust, RFIA'96 proceedings.

RES: computing the interactions between real and virtual objects in video sequences
Pierre Janc�ne, Fabrice Neyret, Xavier Provot, Jean-Philippe Tarel,
Jean-Marc V�zien, Christophe Meilhac, Anne Verroust, NR'95 proceedings.
Animated Texels
F. Neyret, Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation. Maastricht, Neederland, September 1995.
A General and Multiscale Model for Volumetric Textures
F. Neyret, Graphics Interface'95.
Un Mod�le G�n�ral et Multi�chelle de Textures Volumiques
F. Neyret, AFIG'94.


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