Advected Textures
Warning: readfile(/var/www/evasion/pub//Publications/2003/Ney03/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/evasion/pub/Publications/publi.php on line 154
Images et films
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Warning: readfile(/var/www/evasion/pub//Publications/2003/Ney03/info.html): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/evasion/pub/Publications/publi.php on line 173
Références BibTex
@InProceedings\{Ney03, author = "Neyret, Fabrice", title = "Advected Textures", booktitle = "ACM-SIGGRAPH/EG Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA)", month = "july", year = "2003", keywords = "animated textures, fluids, amplification, proceduralism", url = "" }