Interactive Rendering of Trees with Shading and Shadows

Rendering Techniques (Eurographics Workshop on Rendering - EGSR) - Jul 2001
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Références BibTex

  author       = "Meyer, Alexandre and Neyret, Fabrice and Poulin, Pierre",
  title        = "Interactive Rendering of Trees with Shading and Shadows",
  booktitle    = "Rendering Techniques (Eurographics Workshop on Rendering - EGSR)",
  month        = "Jul",
  year         = "2001",
  keywords     = "Real-time rendering, natural scenes, forests, IBR, levels ofdetail, billboards",
  url          = ""

Autres publications dans la base

» Alexandre Meyer : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Fabrice Neyret : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base
» Pierre Poulin : in lab LJK base , in team EVASION base